Category: Blogs

Reiki healing is always there for you. I invite you to experience Reiki.

Hi, everyone Reiki is a simple and safe method of spirtual healing that benefits everyone.  It has many benefits here are some of them:

Back pain

General aches and painj0437636

Headaches including migraines

General well being

Stress reduction

Blood pressure


Reiki is a natural therapy that gently balances life energies and brings health and wellbeing to the recipent.

Checkout my website for more info.

love and light


What I call enlightenment.

What would you define as peace? Would you say it is when the kids have gone to bed and the house is quiet?

Would you say it is when the lights go out in your bedroom and you can relax into a deep sleep?

Perhaps you feel you are at peace when all the bills are paid or the shopping done?…Not really. Continue reading

Confessions of a Blogger

At last my official blog website is actually finished. My intention of blogging for a living has become a reality.
Ok, what next?
The first thing I need to do is to go back over the archives and delete all my earlier muses.
In the early days, as is usual for blog virgins, my impression of a blog was something that no sane person would ever read or be interested in. So my first blogs were indulgent, grammatically terrible and some were even downright silly. Continue reading

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